Time is essential concept for understanding this universe
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is time.
Space is full of Higgs particle.
Time is flow of Higgs particle.
Recently scientists confirm presence of Higgs particle.
Near future scientists reveal that space-time is full and flow of Higgs particle.
Speed of flow of Higgs particle is same as speed of light.
Time flow at the speed of light.
Everything in front of you changes elements that make up at the speed of light.
It is false philosophy that does not lay foundation of the framework issue of time which flow and change everything.
Only philosophy of dialectical materialism lays foundation of the framework issue of time which flow and change everything.
Time is essential concept for understanding this universe.
You are now in flow of time.
Your body is changing instantly.
Elements of your body have been flowing away.
Now your body is not already your body.
Instantly everything changes in time.
This is truth in universe.
No one can live to escape from this truth.
No one can live to escape from the law of dialectical materialism.
From part of 'Time and Space' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Dialectical materialism describe with reference to the nature of the underlying of presence world.
Thesis-antithesis-synthesis of dialectic is the law of presence which develop higher-order structure with repeated generation development collapse.
Dialectical materialism is truth.
Time is essential concept for understanding this universe
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es el tiempo.
El espacio esta lleno de particulas de Higgs.
El tiempo es el flujo de la particula de Higgs.
Recientemente, los cientificos confirman la presencia de la particula Higgs.
Cerca de los futuros cientificos revelan que el espacio-tiempo esta lleno y el flujo de particulas de Higgs.
La velocidad de flujo de particula de Higgs es la misma que la velocidad de la luz.
Tiempo de flujo a la velocidad de la luz.
Todo delante de usted cambia los elementos que componen a la velocidad de la luz.
Es falsa filosofia de que no se encontraba fundamento de la cuestion marco de tiempo que fluyen y cambian todo.
Solo la filosofia del materialismo dialectico, sienta las bases de la cuestion marco de tiempo que fluyen y cambian todo.
El tiempo es el concepto esencial para la comprension de este universo.
Ahora se encuentra en el flujo del tiempo.
Su cuerpo esta cambiando instantaneamente.
Elementos de su cuerpo han estado fluyendo de distancia.
Ahora su cuerpo no es ya su cuerpo.
Al instante todo cambia en el tiempo.
Esto es verdad en el universo.
Nadie puede vivir de escapar de esta verdad.
Nadie puede vivir para escapar de la ley del materialismo dialectico.
From part of 'Time and Space' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Dialectical materialism describe with reference to the nature of the underlying of presence world.
Thesis-antithesis-synthesis of dialectic is the law of presence which develop higher-order structure with repeated generation development collapse.
Dialectical materialism is truth.
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