Ultimate goal of spiritual practice is that the soul of the body to acquire the quality of the ectoplasm of the guardian and eternal life back to the original guardian.
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is capitalism.
Capitalism means capital of money.
Money is crystal of exchange value.
Exchange value is not in presence.
Exchange value is in ectoplasm of non-presence.
Exchange value generate when ectoplasm of non-presence desire to get.
The desire of ectoplasm of non-presence is controlled easy by media.
Real value is in time-space of presence.
Real value is utility value not exchange value.
The process of capitalist production is G-W-P-W'-G' and maximizing the difference between G- G' is object of production.
G is money. G is crystal of exchange value.
The process of socialist production is W-P-W' and maximizing utility of W' is object of production.
Socialist production increase utility for human society.
Capitalist production has increased huge garbage and waste
Socialism solves much problem of human society.
From part of 'Socialism' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Socialism will save the human race.
Now, it is time for 99% people to unite to realize socialism.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).