Scientific world view is important for high quality SVO
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is science.
Science is to reveal of law of universe.
Ectoplasm of non-presence secures specific point of time-space in order to do high quality VO activity.
High quality VO activity is added on to soul(S) which is ectoplasm of non-presence.
Soul(S) of non-presence represents own-self as SVO in time-space of presence.
High quality SVO means high level soul.
Scientific world view is important for high quality SVO.
Scientific world view is ectoplasm structure base on plural specific points which determined in time-space of presence.
Scientific world view is materialistic way of thought.
Idealistic way of thought is non-scientific.
Idealistic way of thought leads false life.
Idealistic way of thought downs the level of soul.
Materialistic way of thought leads to faithful life to truth and raise up soul level.
From part of 'Dialectical materialism' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Materialistic philosophy is to pursue the high quality of the activities VO.
Philosophical idealism leads to poor quality of activities VO.
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