We gods gave inspiration to Marx
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
From part of 'Historical materialismd' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Industrial production corresponds to structure of non-democratic capitalism which a few of top members concentrating information instruct to the bottom members.
Theme is socialism.
The theory of socialism of Marx was made by dialectical materialism.
Originally we gods of Heaven used dialectical materialism when we perform project by overlapping our ectoplasm of non-presence on flow of particles
We gods gave inspiration to Marx.
Dialectical Materialism is truth of Universe.
Marx studied development of economical society by the way of dialectical materialism.
This is historical materialism.
Historical materialism was inspired by us gods also.
Historical materialism is truth.
The field of productive force is developing gradually in time.
Productive relation (structure) generate based on the field of productive force.
There occurs the extensive change of field.
Structure result in a crack in time.
Old structure destructs.
Higher-ordered structure generate in the extensive field of productive force.
Historical materialism is law of Universe.
No one can escape from this law.
The field of industrial productive force is developing gradually in time.
Capitalism of productive relation and nation-state structure generate based on the field of industrial productive force.
There occurs the extensive change of field of IT productive force.
Structures of capitalism and nation-states result in a crack in time.
Structures of capitalism and nation-states destruct.
Socialism of higher-ordered structure generate in the extensive field of IT productive force.
This is socialism of historical materialism based on the view of productive force and productive relation (structure).
After capitalism socialism comes.
IT productivity corresponds to socialist structure that allows relatives to share information instantly ,proceed by democratic management of economy.
It is certain that stage of IT productivity bring socialist society that share the means of production.
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