Ectoplasm structure who desire socialist earth government come to near of ectoplasm of Heaven and god
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is 'revolution'.
Revolution does not mean violence.
Revolution means that re-volution.
Re mean renewal.
Volution mean to revolve.
History develop in the form of cycle.
One cycle is a rotation in Macrohistory.
Revolution means that people revolve from one rotation to next rotation.
In this correct meaning revolution is one phase of law of universe.
Structure builds up based on field.
Field undergoes change by flow of time.
Structure lost the field based on.
Now field appear and begin to effort to build up new structure.
Effort to build up new structure is struggle for revolution.
Struggle for revolution should be depend on power of large united power of people not by violence.
To build up socialist earth government is desire of Heaven and gods.
To struggle for socialist earth government have common desire of Heaven and gods.
Ectoplasm structure who desire socialist earth government come to near of ectoplasm of Heaven and god.
The level of soul goes up.
People aiming to socialist earth government become eternal life under the guidance of God.
From part of 'Marxism going on with God' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
We are already down a number of sentences in Japanese.
Heaven and gods appeal to people in all regions of the earth who are reading this HP.
Heaven and gods request that you held learning meetings of the "Marxism go on with God " in the name of universal forum in respective regions on the earth.
If you contact us, we will send the text that you want.
We can know the future.
It is certain that socialist earth government come true.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).