space and time
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is space and time.
Space is full of Higgs particle.
Time is flow of Higgs particle.
Recently presence of Higgs particle has been confirmed by scientists.
Near future the study of Higgs particle proceed and prove what I (Heaven) write here.
Space-time is world of presence.
Ectoplasm is world of non-presence.
Universe is unity of conflict between presence and non-presence,
Universe is unity of conflict between space-time and ectoplasm
We gods are ectoplasm.
If it is god, it is not space-time.
If it is space-time, it is not god.
God is not presence, so god has not figure and form.
This is truth.
If there is a god who preach to pray god that has figure and form, the god is negative god.
God who tells a lie is negative god.
God is ectoplasm of non-presence that has not space-time.
Ectoplasm of god is overlapped on tai-chi of star.
God secure the specific point in tai-chi of star.
It is just as ectoplasm of human being is overlapped on biomatrix of human body.
Ectoplasm of non-presence secures the specific point in biomatrix of human body.
Space-time of presence is in the law of the flow of time.
Space-time of presence is in the law of dialect that continue to convert to higher-order presence repeating ‘generation development destrucion.
Ectoplasm of non-presence has not space-time.
There is only quality of relation between ectoplasms of non-presence.
High quality of relation between ectoplasms of non-presence is providence.
Providence has 5 elements.
① To behave to pay tribute to all human beings
② To live sharing with each.
③ To live with cooperation.
④ To respect the will of other.
⑤ To deal without any discrimination to all people.
Capitalism and nation state prevent to live along the providence
It is need to establish socialist earth government.
From part of 'Liberation of humanity' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Liberation of humanity is freedom from negative gods.
Negative gods is presence that overlapped own ectoplasm on subtle energy of each region of the globe.
Man has been manipulated by negative gods.
The history of mankind is full of bloodshed is negative gods enjoyed manipulating human beings.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).