Project of Heaven and gods
I mentioned that Heaven and gods have started third large scale project.
I think it would be hard to believe for humans.
Important thing is that you are faithful to the truth.
That you suspect is not a bad thing.
However, this is fact.
Heaven and god already started large-scale project.
And have started to work on all of humankind.
This is approach in the form invisible.
Near future invisible influence of gods come to the surface,
People become to seek a society based on providence.
People become to seek to abolish capitalism.
People become to seek one global government.
People of all regions on the earth hope so.
Mission of you who Heaven placed on the ground is to unify the people of entire area of the earth.
You might think that it is impossible for me so big mission.
However, you can do easy.
You can use Facebook and Twitter.
People around world begin to think if you talk about socialist earth government with friends in Facebook and Twitter.
What you discuss and think about socialist earth government opens future of humankind on earth.
It is one of mission of you.
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
You who hope that mankind flourish on the planet Earth to your children and grandchild people.
Now is the time to act.
It is time to stand up revolution for establishment of the planetary government.
Project of Heaven and gods
He mencionado que el cielo y los dioses han comenzado tercer proyecto de gran escala.
Creo que seria dificil de creer para los humanos.
Lo importante es que usted es fiel a la verdad.
Esa sospecha no es una mala cosa.
Sin embargo, esto es un hecho.
El cielo y el dios que ya comenzaron a gran escala del proyecto.
Y han empezado a trabajar en toda la humanidad.
Este es el enfoque en forma invisible.
Un futuro cercano influencia invisible de los dioses salir a la superficie,
La gente se vuelve a buscar una sociedad basada en la providencia.
La gente se vuelve a tratar de abolir el capitalismo.
La gente se vuelve a buscar un gobierno global.
Personas de todas las regiones de la tierra espero.
Mision de ustedes que el Cielo coloca en el suelo es unificar al pueblo de toda el area de la tierra.
Se podria pensar que es imposible para mi tan grande mision.
Sin embargo, usted puede hacer facilmente.
Puede usar Facebook y Twitter.
Gente alrededor del mundo comienzan a pensar si se habla de gobierno socialista de la tierra con los amigos en Facebook y Twitter.
Lo que usted hable y piense sobre el gobierno socialista la tierra se abre el futuro de la humanidad en la tierra.
Es uno de la mision de ustedes.
From part of 'Society of Humankind' of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
You who hope that mankind flourish on the planet Earth to your children and grandchild people.
Now is the time to act.
It is time to stand up revolution for establishment of the planetary government.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).