You who Heaven allocated on the earth
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
Theme is ‘ You who Heaven allocated on the earth’
3 billion years ago, gods of Heaven had performed DNA project. This project was for the purpose that made star of earth to be star full of life. Now, planet Earth has become a planet full of rich life.
1 million years ago, gods of Heaven had performed soul project. This project was to separate soul from god(gaurdian).
2012, gods of Heaven had begun third project.
This project is to save soul of human being collectively which is including the establishment of socialist earth government and leading eternal life by linking guardian and getting guidance.
Large scale project of Heaven and gods has begun..
We gods can know future.
Success of this project is certainty.
Heaven has placed human on the ground who has a mission to play this project in the ground.
Human who has a mission is you. You have a mission from Heaven.
The name of the project of Heaven and gods on the ground is universal forum.
From part of ‘Ascension’ of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Guardian has desire to save the souls of all mankind.
Souls which come back to parents is to continue forever to do activities saving souls of all mankind along with the guardian.
In the meantime, Souls support Universal Forum movement with gods which is responsible for the project of heaven and gods on the ground.
Gods overlap ectoplasm to tai chi of the earth, souls watching over earth with gods.
You who Heaven allocated on the earth
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
El tema es "Los que Heaven asigna en la tierra
Hace 3 millones de anos, los dioses del cielo se habian realizado proyectos DNA. Este proyecto fue con el proposito de que hizo protagonista de la tierra para ser estrella llena de vida. Ahora, el planeta Tierra se ha convertido en un planeta lleno de vida rica.
Hace 1 millon de anos, los dioses del cielo se habian realizado proyectos alma. Este proyecto consistia en separar el alma del dios (gaurdian).
2012, los dioses del cielo habian comenzado tercer proyecto.
Este proyecto es salvar el alma del ser humano en conjunto, que esta incluyendo el establecimiento de un gobierno socialista y la tierra que lleva la vida eterna mediante la vinculacion de tutor y obtener orientacion.
Proyecto a gran escala de los cielos y dioses ha comenzado ..
Nosotros los dioses pueden saber el futuro.
El exito de este proyecto es la seguridad.
El cielo ha colocado humanos sobre el terreno, que tiene una mision para jugar a este proyecto en el terreno.
Humano que tiene una mision que es. Tienes una mision del cielo.
El nombre del proyecto del cielo y los dioses en la tierra es el foro universal.
From part of ‘Ascension’ of H.P. of project of Heaven and gods.
Guardian has desire to save the souls of all mankind.
Souls which come back to parents is to continue forever to do activities saving souls of all mankind along with the guardian.
In the meantime, Souls support Universal Forum movement with gods which is responsible for the project of heaven and gods on the ground.
Gods overlap ectoplasm to tai chi of the earth, souls watching over earth with gods.
You can read project of Heaven and gods every day in Facebook(English,Spanish,Arabic).