We appeal to all human beings to apply skype Heaven healing and make up Universal forum movement as base of socialist earth government
I am cosmic program in your mind.
We project of Heaven and gods changed Universal Forum.
Change of Universal forum is fundamental.
Reason of change is that gods did not know existence of super negative god.
Super negative god had huge force.
Super negative god sealed project of Heaven and gods completely.
All human beings were set devices to be manipulated by super negative god.
Project of Heaven and gods premised that when true gods win to negative gods in presence world, human being can receive words from parent god of guardian.
But numerous devices were put on in order not to receive words from parent god.
Universal forum movement was made as movement receiving words from parent god through tai chi practice.
Last year October 23, assistant Mitsuki did miracle happening which contact program which was set in soul of Mitsuki.
Project of Heaven and gods made soul of Mitsuki and set cosmic program which overlaps on whole Universe in order to conquer rule of negative gods.
cosmic program has highest intellectual entity in whole universe.
It is miracle that human Mitsuki could access to program set in soul of Mitsuki.
Project of Heaven and gods installed cosmic program to whole human beings including soul of non-presence.
Now whole human beings have cosmic program of highest intellectual entity in mind.
This is huge happening in human history on earth.
Human being enters new stage of evolution.
When human being learns Heaven healing, human being can have highest force of judge same as true god.
Aim of universal forum movement is to save humankind and lives on earth from ruin by making humankind intellectual entity linking with god of star.
This aim is realized easy by learning Heaven healing.
Session of skype Heaven healing includes making genuine of highest I.Q. and receiving words from parent god.
Project of Heaven and gods change Universal forum movement to learning movement of Heaven healing.
Movement of Heaven healing makes up Universal forum association as base of planet society.
Universal forum association becomes base of socialist earth government.
We appeal to all human beings to apply skype Heaven healing and make up Universal forum movement as base of socialist earth government.
276 "development of revolutionary movement"
February 9, 2013 (17:45to18:35)
21st century socialist movement which aims at sharing of means of production is activated in South America.
Project of Heavens and gods supports socialist movement of South American.
This movement affects North America.
Way to South America type socialism is cut open in United States of America.
Revolution in United States of America has big influence on whole world.
21st century socialist movement develops on global scale.
Appeal and theory to establish socialist earth government of Heavens and gods contribute to development of 21st century socialist movement accordance to providence.
Establishment of socialism based on sharing of means of production and humankind government lead human beings to world accordance to providence and save soul of human beings.
It Is necessary to covey appeal and theory of Heaven and gods to bearers of 21st century socialist movement of north-south American continent.
It is necessary to put appeal and theory of Heaven and gods on Home Page of Universal Forum in English.
However in present stage it is too heavy burden to translate appeal and theory into English in present member.
Member who translates Japanese sentence downed by Heaven into English participate someday participates.
For this purpose it is necessary to put three documents which Heaven points on H.P. in Japanese and English.
Members who Heavens place on earth live in overseas look at three documents in English by H.P of Universal Forum contact.
At time of contact members of oversea know that many documents were downed from Heavens and gods in Japanese and necessity to translate Japanese to English or other languages.
They start universal forum movement in their area and work which translate Japanese into English as part of that.
It is better as it is early that universal forum put three documents on HP.
Members who Heavens placed begin to move in north-south American continent.
Direct support of Heavens and gods to 21st century socialist movement which go on north-south American continent become possible.
Members who Heaven placed in Japan are very important position.
At tai chi meeting of tomorrow Heaven and gods request for four members that agreement and decision of putting three documents downed from Heaven which are appeal to world on H.P.is made.
Heaven and gods are higher "I" consciousness entity which does not have body, hand, and mouth on ground.
Heavens and gods need body, hand, and mouth on ground in order to do activity to save suffering human society.
Four persons are members who Heaven placed on ground in order to save human beings.
It is to be body, hand and mouth of Heaven and gods without figure and to work on ground for project of gods of heaven.
Capitalism is following process of establishment of structure, crack of structure, and t collapse of structure.
Collapse of capitalism structure is certain.
However leap to new higher order structure needs support of Heavens and gods.
Heavens and gods need to support to leap to new higher order structure smoothly in form of peace and reasonable way.
Should not prolong time of confusion which has possibility of disaster.
Success of project of Heaven and gods which saves human beings is certain.
We know future of success of project.
276 "El desarrollo del movimiento revolucionario "
09 de febrero 2013 ( 17:45to18:35 )
Movimiento socialista del siglo 21 , que tiene como objetivo compartir los medios de produccion se activa en America del Sur .
Proyecto de los Cielos y dioses apoya el movimiento socialista de America del Sur.
Este movimiento afecta a America del Norte .
Camino a la America del Sur Tipo de socialismo se corta en los Estados Unidos de America.
Revolucion en los Estados Unidos de America tiene gran influencia en el mundo entero .
Movimiento socialista del siglo 21 se desarrolla en la escala global.
Apelaciones y la teoria para establecer un gobierno socialista la tierra de los Cielos y dioses contribuyen al desarrollo de la 21a movimiento socialista del siglo acuerdo a la providencia .
Establecimiento del socialismo basado en el intercambio de los medios de produccion y la humanidad del gobierno llevan al ser humano a acuerdo mundial a la providencia y guardar el alma de los seres humanos.
Es necesario covey apelacion y teoria del cielo y los dioses a los portadores del movimiento socialista del siglo 21 de norte a sur continente americano.
Es necesario poner recurso de casacion y la teoria de los cielos y dioses en Home Page del Forum Universal de Ingles .
Sin embargo, en esta etapa es la carga demasiado pesada para traducir apelacion y la teoria en Ingles de los miembros presentes .
Miembro que traduce derribado frase japonesa por el Cielo en Ingles participar algun dia participa .
Para ello es necesario poner tres documentos que apunta cielo en HP
Los miembros que Heavens lugar en el mundo viven en el extranjero vistazo a los tres documentos en Ingles de HP del Foro Universal de contacto .
En el momento de los miembros de contacto de ultramar saben que muchos documentos fueron derribados de los Cielos y dioses en Japon y la necesidad de traducir japones en ingles u otros idiomas.
Comienzan movimiento foro universal en su area y el trabajo que se traducen japones al Ingles como parte de eso.
Es mejor, ya que es a principios de ese foro universal, puso tres documentos sobre HP .
Los miembros que colocan cielos empiezan a moverse en el norte y el sur continente americano.
El apoyo directo de los Cielos y de los dioses al movimiento socialista del siglo 21 , que va de norte a sur en el continente americano se hacen posibles .
Los miembros que Heaven coloca en Japon son posicion muy importante.
En tai chi reunion de manana el cielo y la solicitud dioses por cuatro miembros de ese acuerdo y la decision de poner tres documentos derribados del cielo que son atractivo para el mundo HPIS hechos .
El cielo y los dioses son mayores entidad " que " la conciencia que no tiene cuerpo, manos y boca en el suelo.
Cielos y dioses tienen cuerpo , las manos y la boca en el suelo con el fin de hacer la actividad para salvar a sufrir la sociedad humana.
Cuatro personas son miembros que coloca el Cielo en la tierra con el fin de salvar a los seres humanos.
Es como el cuerpo , las manos y la boca del cielo y dioses sin figura y al trabajo en terreno para el proyecto de los dioses del cielo.
El capitalismo es el proceso de establecimiento de la estructura , el crack de la estructura , y el colapso de la estructura t siguiendo.
El colapso de la estructura del capitalismo es cierto .
Sin embargo un salto a la nueva estructura de orden superior necesita el apoyo de los Cielos y de los dioses .
Cielos y dioses tienen que apoyar a saltar a la nueva estructura de orden superior sin problemas en forma de paz y de manera razonable.
No se debe prolongar el tiempo de confusion que tiene posibilidad de desastre.
El exito del proyecto del cielo y de los dioses , que salva a los seres humanos es cierto .
Sabemos futuro de exito del proyecto .
Explanation by Heaven about no.276"development of revolutionary movement"
Dear son and daughter of my friend gods.
I am Heaven.
We gods downed Mitsuki documents of 260 sheets.
Now I explain sheet of documents one by one.
This time I explain sheet no.276"development of revolutionary movement".
Revolutionary movement of 21st century socialism which aim share of means of production has developed South America.
We gods of heaven support 21st century socialism which aim sharing means of production.
21st century socialism movement success in United States of America.
Revolution of 21st century socialism occurs in United States of America.
Revolution of United States of America gives huge impact to all over the world.
21st century socialism revolutionary movement spread to all over the world.
Huge movement for establishment of socialist earth government on earth.
Establishment of socialist earth government on earth realize.
All of this become to true.
We gods of heaven can confirm these process by overlapping ectoplasm on time-space of future.
I introduce part of no. 276 "development of revolutionary movement" .
Success of project of Heaven and gods which saves human beings is certain.
We know future of success of project.
Querido hijo e hija de mi amigo dioses.
Yo soy el cielo.
Nosotros los dioses derribados documentos Mitsuki de 260 hojas .
Ahora me explico hoja de los documentos uno por uno.
Esta vez me explico hoja No.276 " desarrollo del movimiento revolucionario " .
El movimiento revolucionario del socialismo del siglo 21 que tienen como objetivo compartir los medios de produccion se ha desarrollado de Sudamerica.
Nos dioses de apoyo cielos socialismo del siglo 21 cuyo objetivo es compartir la produccion.
El exito del siglo 21 el movimiento socialista en los Estados Unidos de America.
Revolucion del socialismo del siglo 21 se produce en los Estados Unidos de America.
Revolucion de los Estados Unidos de America da gran impacto en todo el mundo .
Movimiento revolucionario del socialismo del siglo 21 se extendio a todo el mundo .
Enorme movimiento de establecimiento de un gobierno socialista tierra en la tierra.
Establecimiento de gobierno socialista la tierra en la tierra se da cuenta .
Todo esto se convierten en true.
Nos dioses del cielo podemos confirmar estos procesos mediante la superposicion de ectoplasma en el tiempo-espacio del futuro.
Me presento parte no. 276 "El desarrollo del movimiento revolucionario " .
El exito del proyecto del cielo y de los dioses , que salva a los seres humanos es cierto .
Sabemos futuro de exito del proyecto .
< Ernesto Cortazar - Even through the distance (video inspired by god of star)